Yosemite Sam1 wrote:
And when the reading comprehension challenged also lied because that statement, given in quotation mark to make it appear to have actually been said, is not true. It is also interpreted out of context.
"implied waiver", my actual statement, is far from "giving up rights."
Even without the lawyer brother, I have enough law units to know that constitutional rights are sacrosanct. But know too, that in situations of facilitation in the conduct of law enforcement or practicality, some specific requirements of the law, in this case the need for search warrant, can be waived as, again, a decided jurisprudence.
Ah, the recurring problem with simple-mindedness and the failure of educational system specifically the basics of reading comprehension, well, could be genetics.
As I predicted, you passed over the fact that the state's web site clearly states that the search is voluntary in favor of trying to be a smart arse. You fail to comprehend that the reason that even the over-reaching government of Commiefornia know that their Food/Ag drones do not have the power to search without permission thus the search is, per their own words, voluntary. They are not LEO's they are "bug seekers", period, and therefore the Supreme's decision does not apply. They can refuse entry for refusal to succumb but they cannot compel a search. It's becoming clear that you are a little hard of thinking but please sit down in a quiet place and think about that for a few minutes - it might help...
As to my misquoting you... I really couldn't be bothered wasting my time wading through your endless buffoonery to make sure the quote was perfect but we both know that I was close enough...
Alan_Hepburn wrote:
am1958 wrote:
What Legal Authority do your inspectors have to stop and check my vehicle?
The Department’s legal authority for conducting vehicle and commodity inspections lies in the California Food and Agricultural Code, specifically Sections 5341-5353 and 6301-6465. Although submitting to inspection is voluntary, vehicle and commodities are not allowed to enter until released by an inspector.
Highlighting added by me to make sure you don't skip over it...
...and then there's the second clause in your emphasised sentence that says the vehicle cannot proceed until released by the inspector. Sounds to me like it's "Let me inspect you of you can turn around and go back the way you came".
That is exactly what I have been saying - the food/Ag Drone has no power to search and his/her only chance to be allowed to search is through the permission of the traveler... a refusal to be searched means that you nor your goods may not enter. If you turn around and drive away then there is absolutely nothing the drone can or should do...