Cummins12V98 wrote:
CA it's legal with endorsement. I can and do double tow there since I am licensed SD. I have double towed thru OR and WA 3 round trips now without issue. I am guessing they don't care since I am licensed SD.

trouper just either didn't see you in oregon or decided to ignore you. It's not legal in oregon. Occasionally they have set up stings on the idaho/OR border with folks double towing to to to a popular boating site in eastern oregon. If you get caught, usually near a rest stop, they ticket and make you drop the second rig at the rest stop.
Occasonally the rest stop has a slew of un attached boats.
SD license won't get you off the hook.
If you are towing comercial with a double endorcement you are ok. I have ex trucker friends who towed double and triple rigs for work and they can't tow a double rec vehicle even with the endorcement in oregon.
It seems to be near the Idaho border that most of the stops occur.
Oregon also has a 60 (maybe 65) ft length limit that pretty much would eliminate doubles unless the 5ver was pretty short or the second trailer pretty short. So techically they could get you on length as well.
By contrast MT allows doubles and IIRC doesn't have a length limit. I've seen some pretty long rigs in MT.