fj12ryder wrote:
Lantley wrote:
While I'm not condoning driving without insurance. $500.00 is not a lot of money in today's world.
If your daughter was involved in an automobile accident and the worst of it was a $500.00 bill consider yourself lucky.
The outcome could have been much worse.
Since it's not about the money would you have posted your story if the bill were $100.00?
You say it is about fair play? One concept I try to instill in my kids is that life is not always fair.
The definition of fair of is sort of like beauty, It is in the eye of the beholder.
Where we draw the fair line can be very questionable at times.
In the end be grateful your DD was not hurt.
Money can be earned and easily replaced,organs and body parts are often not replaceable.
While you feel your daughter was treated unfairly consider there are lots of people permanently in rehab hospitals,clinics and wheel chairs that were not as fortunate as your daughter.
I don't mean to insult anyone, but I hope I never get this complacent.
I'm sorry, but to me $500 is still a fair amount of money to have removed from my pocket due to an irresponsible person. That is about 10 days worth of camping. $5 is a small amount, $500 is not.
And the idea of just saying "Stuff happens" when you're are treated badly is a poor example to set for children. Just because it could have been worse is no reason to brush the whole thing off. A true victim mentality.
I'm more of a realist. I don't see myself as a victim. I have accepted the reality that we will never get 100% insurance compliance.
I do believe we can do better than we are but,our government is so inefficient and broke on so many levels that I don't believe we can ever legislate a real solution.
Any possible solution will apply to future cases and not the OP's situation here and now.
The OP's daughter was involved in an accident with an uninsured motorist... nothing shocking there...There are countless uninsured motorist out there. Just in this thread there are accounts of uninsured drivers that are relatives of forum members.
As an individual citizen I don't have the time or energy to lead the crusade against the uninsured. I thought we elected and paid people to make laws for our society and find solutions to keep uninsured people off the road.
The reality is our system is not working so well. Uninsured drivers continue to cause issues and the insured motorist continue to pick up the tab. Far from perfect but this is the reality we face.
I already know the system is unable to deal with uninsured motorist.
If I were really concerned I would pressure my legislature and insurance commissions to change the rules.
But honestly I not willing or patient enough to deal with the bureaucracy involved
Rather than rant and rave about the cost of the accident. I prefer to look on the bright side and be thankful no one was hurt.
At the end of it all its only the cost of your deductible which is a sum we have already agreed to spend in case of an accident.
I understand the system is broken , but more importantly I understand accidents can happen.
I also understand many are maimed and killed in accidents. So when faced with the consequences of an accident, I prefer to focus on the fact that no one was hurt.
There are plenty of lawyers, claim adjusters and judges available to sort out the monetary details which will always be secondary to good health.