garry owen wrote:
Turtle n Peeps wrote:
It's not only that tire brand.
I had about 10 LT Michelins that did the exact same thing. Blew in the driveway. I still have one on a rim. I will never run a Michelin in anything I own ever again.
They sure are loud when they go off. Sounds like a shotgun!
i have and still run michelins and they are the best in my book. when ever i buy replacement tires i will alway by michelin.
have used on every thing from over the road trucks to my wife's personal car.
i post to counter your negative comments. if you did the same thing to 10 tires as stated then, you might take another look at your tire management program.
That's fine. I'm just posting my experience with them that's all.
Maybe I got ahold of these tires, I hope you didn't.Michelin wrote:
"This condition may increase the risk of a vehicle crash," said Mike Wischhusen, Michelin's technical director, in a letter to tire owners.
Looks like Michelin agrees with me and they are having some quality control issues with their tires. Almost a million tires that THEY SAY are junk. :E
If I were you I would check your tire numbers to make sure your "best tires in the book" aren't on the recall list and endangering your family or others on the road. :E