F-TROUP wrote:
This day and age I think you'll find hucksters running RV repair shops also....
But, there ARE far better materials and correct tools for the job than using "as seen on TV" products if you really care about your RV lasting.
It is what you don't see behind the scenes of what it takes to make all of those "as seen on TV" infomercials is tossed on the editors cutting room floor that really would show the truth of the product.
Much cutting and pasting of only the successful bits and parts out of hrs perhaps weeks to months of shooting to get a 30 second spot shined up and ready to show how good a product is.
Things are hidden out of view, good chance that boat made of mesh leaked like a sieve and may have had pumps to keep it dry or even a fair chance for the money shots they simply applied that black goo all over a normal boat.. They aren't going to be truthful, they are in the business to sell cheap materials to gullible viewers.
There was a TV show called "Pitchmen" that followed Billy and a few other of his fellow hucksters which showed some of the behind the scenes stuff that goes on with how they market and sell the junk..