ethanol is a corrosive...oil companies will not allow it in their piplines because of the attraction for water and thus Atlanta...the ethanol is brought in via truck and mixed at the Doravile tank yard....
ethanol has less energy than gas thus less mileage...
Noises made by our politicians about increasing to 15% moonshine...Porsche has warned owners not to exceed the present 10% or they will void warranties.
Kansas in 2005 decided to not make gas dealers label gas pumps as having ethanol.
now they can put any amount of hooch in their gas so good luck on that one.
I think Florida is the only only state I have heard that is talking about dropping the mandate for hooch in the gas....lots of problems in the marine industry.
the hooch will eat ..lawnmower, marine, r.v.generator carbs...corrosion sets in..exercise your generators...or save up for a new carb.
Politicians with investments in legalized stills, farmers, transporters are the only winners in this scam