Kansas Department of Agriculture - Division of Weights and Measures
Forbes Field, Building 282 P.O. Box 19282
Topeka, KS 66619-0282 (785) 862-2415
KS DOA Online Complaint form located at: http://www.ksda.gov/open_records/id/13
Always immediately contact the gas station owner/operator. Save your gas and engine repair receipts.
We also suggest you save a sample of contaminated fuel (at least 1 pint) in an appropriate glass container for further testing, if necessary.
Kansas is a very pro-ethanol state. They offer several incentives and tax credits for use of ethanol and alternative fuel types and vehicles. They even offer (income) tax credits of 5% of the cost of the AFV, up to $750. This credit is allowed only to the first individual to take title of the vehicle. For motor vehicles capable of operating on E85, the individual claiming the credit must provide evidence of purchasing at least 500 gallons of E85 between the time the vehicle was purchased and December 31, of the following calendar year.
More information here: http://www.afdc.energy.gov/afdc/laws/laws/KS/tech/3252
More information below...
Report abnormal test results and/or problems with ethanol fuels.
Report abnormal test results and problems with E10 ethanol fuel.
Kansas News - Laws - Reporting Contaminated E10
E10 Unleaded ethanol fuel - Precautions are necessary...
More information on ethanol in Kansas and E10/E15 labeling laws:
Find more ethanol resources and ethanol promotional materials at the Kansas Ethanol Information website:
www.ksgrains.com The Fuel Retailers Ethanol Guide for Kansas is located here: http://www.ksgrains.com/ethanol/EthRetailerVol2.pdf
KEIN - Kansas Energy Information Network - Extensive information on ethanol and renewable fuels for Kansas: http://www.kansasenergy.org/ethanol.htm
Kansas blender pump becomes permanent (2009)- Will dispense mid-levels blends from E10 to E85 giving consumer choice at the pump...More info: http://www.ethanolproducer.com/articles/5359/kansas-blender-pump-program-becomes-permanent/
In July 2005, the law that required gas pump labeling for ethanol was reversed.
An article in the Kansas City Star (10/25/2008) reports:
"Splash blending can put too much ethanol in your fuel tank"..."critics say splash blending is prone to inaccuracy - and vulnerable to manipulation when ethanol becomes cheaper than conventional gasoline, as it has been this year. That makes it enticing to pack more ethanol into a gallon of gasoline and pocket some extra profits...".
View complete article here: http://www.kansascity.com/105/story/858660.html
A 7/27/05 article in Convenience Store News stated,
"KANSAS CITY, Kan. -- Proponents of ethanol are crowing that since Kansas passed a law ending a requirement that ethanol gasoline pumps be marked, retail orders have soared...".
"Most Kansans may not even know they're using more ethanol. Under the law, retailers no longer have to alert consumers that some pumps contain a 10 percent blend of ethanol. It's up to retailers whether to use the labels...".
"Basically it (labeling) was an outdated law," Sue Schulte, a spokeswoman for the Kansas Corn Growers Association, told the newspaper...".
View complete article at http://www.allbusiness.com/retail-trade/food-stores/4486452-1.html
Fuel-Testers Comment: Very sad, that some in Kansas believe withholding information from consumers, to increase sales of E10 is something to "crow" about. As long as there are gas-powered equipment and engines on the road, waterways, and sky not designed to be compatible with ethanol blends of fuel, Fuel-Testers strongly believes consumers require access to this important information (labeling) so that they can make an educated and informed decision - to be able to chose the appropriate fuel based on engine manufacturer recommendations.
E10 Gasoline Tips:
Always check your engine owner's manual or ask the manufacturer and/or certified mechanic if your gas-powered engine (car, boat, motorcycle, lawn equipment, etc.) was designed for use of E10 alcohol blends of fuel. Ethanol-blends are sometimes referred to as "gasahol", which is not the same as methanol. (Methanol is more corrosive).
Ethanol is a strong solvent/cleaner and is both miscible and hygroscopic (attracts and absorbs water into fuel). E10 has a much shorter shelf life than non-alcohol gas due to it's amazing ability to attract and absorb large quantities of moisture from humidity and other external factors.
Newer vehicles are better designed to handle the corrosive and solvent/cleansing properties of ethanol.
Boat engines have the highest risk for gas water-contamination. Prolonged storage (over 2-3 months) is not recommended when tank contains ethanol-blended gas. Replacing gas every 2-3 weeks with fresh name brand gas from a high-turnover gas station will minimize risk for gas water absorption. Once gas phase separates the octane reading will drop 2-3 points which can contribute to further engine damage and driveability issues.
Now that E10 distribution has become widespread, reports of engine damage due to over legal 10% ethanol limit and/or phase-separated (water-contaminated) fuels has dramatically increased.
There has also been an increased incidence of fuel contaminated with rust, sediment, dirt and other debris when the gas pumps and storage tanks have not been properly prepared for the switchover to E10. Ethanol has the ability to release years of accumulated deposits from both the tank walls and fuel system.
Keep in mind that engine manufacturer warranties will not cover fuel system engine damage determined to be caused by contaminated fuel use.
Examples of engine damage often caused by improper or contaminated gas includes corrosion or damage to metal, rubber, and plastic parts, drying, softening, stretching and/or cracking of rubber hoses, seals and other rubber components, damage or premature disintegration of fuel pump, dirty and clogged fuel filters...view more.
More Information - Resources Kansas and U.S. Ethanol Fuel Laws
The U.S. Department of Energy website includes extensive information on renewable and alternative fuels - Visit Alternative Fuel Data Center (AFDC) www.eere.energy.gov/afdc/incentives_laws.html;
Other good sources for information include: Renewable Fuels Standards www.epa.gov/otaq/renewablefuels/ and several other topics on EPA website: www.epa.gov/air/caa/peg/carstrucks.html
Caution - Warning:
The percent of ethanol may be incorrectly added by the local fuel distributor.
In most areas ethanol is added by the local fuel distributors, and not the major gas refineries.
Ethanol can not be blended at the refineries because it would absorb too much moisture (water-contaminate) when traveling via underground pipelines. Most gas stations do not monitor or verify ethanol content (% added) of fuel delivered.
Ethanol in gas attracts and absorbs water quickly (phase separation/water contamination)
Are you taking necessary precautions when using ethanol-blend gasoline?
See Ethanol Precautions
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