westend wrote:
Are those folks polled in areas where Ethanol added gas has recently been introduced? Is E10 new to some areas of the US and Canada?
There's no way to tell where the people responding are from.
AFAIK there's not been any new areas getting E10 that didn't previously have it in 5 years.
An interesting aside though, while the government doesn't like people talking about fuel spiking, an article from 2012 made this interesting statement;
"Suspicions that the industry is topping the tank with ethanol have arisen because of a dramatic surge of imports from the U.S., which rose 150 per cent last year to 1.1 billion litres, the equivalent of more than 10,000 rail tank cars."
It's interesting because fuel consumption stayed the same and no new areas required increased ethanol content.
So the $64 dollar question is where did the extra 365 million litres (96.5 million US gallons) of ethanol go if not into the gasoline supply chain?