My personal opinion after 4 1/2 years full-time in a 36 ft TT, 40,000+ miles towing through 45 states - a motorhome, Class A or C is easier for short stops. We’ve traveled a few thousand of those miles in the company of friends with Class A or Class C units.
While you can move around in them, many it is just a barely 18-22 inch wide aisle. Many motor homes have the same issues with no access to the fridge, sink, stove that 5er and TT have.
But almost all of us have figured out exactly how much the slides have to go out to reach those, and the bathroom.
The easiest type RV to use on short stops is one with no slide outs. The hardest is a unit with deep slides on both sides (like we have). Slides also mean more stuff has to be moved and secured before the rig can be moved, and more setup time at the destination.
Heat/ cooling while traveling:
No motor home dash AC or heat can handle the entire rig while traveling. Many folks use a heavy comforter or blanket, or even heavy lined drapes right behind the seats to keep the driver comfortable. A great many people with units which installed generators will run that AC while on a he road using the generator for power. A couple folks I know say that is the only time they use the generator.
A few days ago there was a thread on this forum about using a generator in the bed of the pickup to power a 5er or TT AC while heading down the road. There were several positive replies from people who do that.
We’ve developed a process for short overnight stops. Whenever possible we want a place where we do not have to unhook the truck and trailer for one night stops.
We can use s Walmart or truck stop parking lot if we can get next to the edge and extend our kitchen and bedroom slides out over the curb. We will not extend the dining area slide.
Naps: We do not stop for them. We try to keep our drives down to 200 miles or less per day. That way we can get a good night rest, leave about 9 am so we miss the school buses and any work related traffic. We are usually in the next campground by 3 pm.
Yes, we’ve done some long day-day-day drives but try our very best to avoid those.