SoCalDesertRider wrote:
Let's face it. Practically all box cargo and RV travel trailers have the aerdynamic charistics of a giant cardboard box going down the road. Small modifications to the shape are not going to make massive differences in mpg or how they tow. Pick the trailer you like, pick a truck with more than enough balls to tow it, and be happy.
IMO that's a pretty good analysis and outlook on all this. Biggest mpg gains will be in the TV engine/drivetrain efficiency mainly gas vs diesel and rear end ratio and tow speed. All the rest will be down in the weeds so to speak.
AFAIK about the only aerodynamic improvement might be the use of "air tabs" as mentioned by ACZL in the post above, especially on the rear, but I haven't seen enough documented facts to even WAG at a payoff of long term costs.