jauguston wrote:
It bothers me when folks post the scare tactic that your insurance will not cover you if you do something that is illegal like double towing where it is not allowed and you are in a accident. Situations like that are the REASON you have insurance. You will be covered. That said they may choose to cancel you AFTER the fact but you will be covered for doing something dumb. Again that is what insurance is for. If you have a wreck and its your fault you will be covered. That is why you have insurance.
I wish this Forum had "thank a poster".
The hysteria surrounding so many discussions is silly. You are spot on, with your comments. Between the people randomly posting "facts" that are incorrect (ie: double towing (exceeding 65, heck, even using cruise control)is not legal in......, the punishment is beating, stoning, followed by beheading, etc).
Get a grip folks.
Rant over.