buta4 wrote:
Please be aware that excessive imbibing of alcoholic beverages may cause visual sightings in one's mind of Werewolves, Zombies, Vampires, Mothers-In-Law, Ex-Wives. lawyers etc.
If this occurs, then one should consider ending it all by jumping into the same icehole that the Zombie fell into!
But, sadly, one may then temporarily experience sightings of Giant Octupi, Squids, Jacques Cousteau and, dare I say, Jaws!
I'm not really sure about this, with all the alcoholic beverages that I've
"imbibed" in my years,(many times to excess),I've never once envisioned my mother-in-law, (although sometimes, it would be hard to distinguish her from the others)and having never had an Ex-Wife, I wouldn't recognize one if I saw her. ;)