We purchased a VanLeigh 3yrs, and 30k+ miles, ago. We like it very much! We were debating between GD, Montana, and VL for a 35ft 5er; the cabinetry and styling tipped the scales decisively to VL, the upgrade in tank sizes in 2019 model years was also necessary (they slso have lots of usb chargers now too).
I’ve made many mods and improvements, including 630AHr batteries, a 3k inverter, and MORryde IS suspension and disc brakes. We travel about half-time and mostly stay at state parks, COEs and NFS. As with any 5er I come back from each month long (or more) trip with a list of minor repairs and improvements I want to make. I think VL is no different than other 5ers in need to keep up with minor issues; I think that VLs weakness is their suspension which we resolved with IS.
VL is a smaller manufacturer and they pride themselves on customer service. Words and actions in the last few months are consistent with that not changing with Thor’s purchasing them earlier this year. I have had excellent support and responsiveness whenever I’ve dealt with them, but have also seen others complain more on the VL website.
Bottom line, I think VLs are very good and worth yours looking at, but don’t expect perfection in this RV market where quality control isn’t what it should be from any of the manufacturers.