Whiskey River wrote:
Well Virginia you are a day late & a dollar short as my plans have already changed from Virginia Beach to the Outer Banks because of your carry policy, or now your former policy. I know my 2k is not a drop in a large bucket but it will go to North Carolina.
Does anyone think those 25 states listed just randomly give out conceal carry permits to anyone. I think the actual background check for all states is pretty much the same. The difference is some states require a class on guns & some do not. Some states require you to take a test and fire the gun at a range & some do not. Some states require you to be fingerprinted, some do not. And on and on.
My hope is that all states require the same requirements and the permit is good anywhere.
In the article from "The Hill", posted by blangen, the Virginia governor stated, "dangerous people who would not pass a background check in Virginia could obtain fire arms in states with weaker gun laws & bring them into Virginia". This statement is more of a purchasing a gun than conceal carry, but any way, Note to governor: dangerous people do not abide by any gun laws of any state.....
LOL , that's what I have done, little change of plans this year. I'm not leaving my carry gun in the car,RV, or hotel room on vacation. Staying in SC this year. Traveled last year to NY, locked it in my car, dropped my wife off a few days to see her mother, and got the heck out of NY in a few days. I have to business being in that state.lol