rockhillmanor wrote:
When I became a full timer I went to apply for one and after talking to the instructor and being informed of all the different laws each state had about carrying and/or just having guns in the MH I opted for not doing it. How could one possibliy be up to date about the regulations for each and every state they traveled thru? Just saying. I didn't want to have to sit on the computer researching the next state I was about to enter to see if I would be legal on that day. The OP's post shows just that.
In the amount of time it took you to write that post, you could have learned all you need to know within the first few results on a Google search.
As a further note, LEO's are generally in favor of CCW and open carry. However, the actual Sheriff/Chief of Police (or the like) are kinda split. Why, you may wonder? Remember that the top dog LEO, such as the sheriff, is usually an elected position. So in other words, sometimes they're no different than the policiticians.