Bayoubass wrote:
I pull my Keystone Hideout 19FLB, 4200lbs dry with a 2014 F-150 , 5.0 litre, tow package. Most of the time it tows nice and straight...a fair cross wind...a semi to blow by and I get enough waggle to bother me some.....I am just a tad high on the hitch but I'm on the bottom of my EZ lift W.D. hitch shank.
Getting the trailer parallel to the ground while towing is mission #1. Definitely get a longer shank so the trailer sets properly.
More tongue weight? That can help too and as others stated is free to try.
If you still get a wiggle after that, you might adding sway control. I'm not a fan of the add-on friction bars. On my old TT I used an Eaz-Lift hitch head with a Reese Dual Cam system. My trailer was almost 35' ball to bumper and would catch some pretty good cross winds. With the dual cam system I would get pushed, but the truck and trailer moved as one unit. In 10 years of towing I don't recall a point where I felt sway or wiggle.
Do your WD bars have a bend (cam receiver) molded in the end of them or are they straight? If your bars are straight, Reese used to sell Dual Cam Model 26001 which came with adapters to convert straight bars too have a cam receiver. That is no longer for sale new, but you could possibly find a used set. If you can't locate and old model then you can purchase new WD bars with the cam receiver. That's what I did with my Eaz-Lift hitch and found that DrawTite round bars fit just fine.
If your bars already have a bend in the end you only need to purchase and install Reese Model 26002 Dual Cam System.
I use the 'Dual Cam Model 26001' and a longer shank pulling a 32' TT and eliminated 98% of unexpected movement. There is always going to be that one unexpected vehicle, stray wind gust or road condition that gets your attention. I prefer the TT to be level or slightly nose down, never up.
The instructions that are included with the Reese Dual Cam 26001 are spot on. I have used this system for years on many types of vehicles with good success.