That happened at WMs in several Texas cities... they became a de-facto CG for rigs barely road-worthy, problems with drugs and petty crime start happening, and WM finally hands out out trespass notices and makes that location into a no-overnighting location. The WM nearest me has always been an overnighting prohibited location from the get-go (although they do not own the land and facilities, so it likely isn't in their control.)
This does concern me. Texas ripped out virtually all its rest stops and turnoff points in the past few years, so if someone needs to rest, the only real alternative was hitting a WM on a trip, which worked until recently. Wonder where people will go if WM decides to just do a corporate "no overnighting" policy across all locations. I personally have never overnighted at a WM, but there are plenty of reasons why it is useful, especially if there are no CGs around, CGs are full, or just taking a rest and want to park for a few hours.
I know in Austin, come SXSW, some people will park in people's driveways and stay there until the police arrive and give them a formal notice to leave, then move one driveway over, and stay there. The only way to get rid of them is to have a "tow away zone" sign in plain sight on the property.