Hello all you friendly folks. Much updates from last message. I did receive the the police report from my insurance and the lady was 100 percent at fault. The report said she wasn’t distracted BUT she did not notice my trailer until she hit me. Hum... report had me going about 60 and said nothing about her speed. She has insurance from MI and usaa said they have worked with that insurance in the past but I do not know her coverage. Now my truck the dealership said about $1000 worth of parts and labor . Something to do with transmission. Insurance said because the adjuster said the truck frame wasn’t bent they wouldn’t pay to have it checked out at a body shop. I will drive down to Chattanooga Monday morning to the dealership as the adjuster is going to look at my slide. Before he just looked at it but it took some time to dislodge it when they hauled the truck off. Now he said he will take pictures heck with the force it took I am afraid that it is strong enough to use again. I will be there when he checks it. Now concerning my trailer before he said it was totaled would cost around $17,000 to fix . Now he says camper world said they can fix it. I asked how much is it goin to cost he said can’t tell me. Total different info. Usaa did tell me there was a team working on the RV figuring out cost to tear it down to see what’s wrong with it? Don’t know if it was the slide he was talking about or all the damaged areas. Wow! I am shocked and confused. I do have medical issues but overtime I am holding I will be fine. Any words of advice I might need Monday when I am with the adjuster? What happens if I get hundreds of miles down the road or a month later and I have truck issues. Any advice on trailer? A friend who was in insurance said to tell Ussa that I want diminished value on the truck and on the trailer ? Could this help to get the trailer totaled? Any advice would be helpful. Thank you