ktmrfs wrote:
winnietrey wrote:
I understand, and do not question, the reason folks retire. Job stress, health, want to do something different.
For some I think, it was the best thing they ever did, for others not so much.
I think, I fall in the latter category. I like my job, I have no real hobbies, I enjoy all that much. I take a lot of time off, and travel, we are healthy. I think for me, retirement could be one of the worst things I could do. Just wondering if anyone else feels the same. With my personality I think I would be bored stiff
pick the option YOU enjoy, NOT what someone else tells you to do.
Personally, I enjoyed my job as did DW, but when an opportunity came up to take retirement package at 57 I did and DW did two years later. Now we are doing other things we liked and wanted to do, traveling etc. and enjoy it. But we had also planned to be able to retire at 55 and be more than financially secure. So far our financial plan turned out to be very conservative and we can do way more than we planned and have growing investments.
I do know several folks our age that tried retiring and hated it, and went back to work. I also know several retired friends that do very very little traveling now that they are retired. If we couldn't travel I'd be bored stiff and go back to work. They are just the opposite, they do NOT like traveling and enjoy stuff around home.
We are all different. do what YOU want
Hmm.. Interesting statement.
I do enjoy what I do very much in my job, BUT, over the years my job has evolved drastically far, far way from what I started out enjoying.
Nothing wrong with that, BUT, at my current age, I have a lot to lose by finding a new job.. I would lose big time in vacation time (30 days paid time of per yr), I would lose seniority of 18 yrs and so on..
I am losing confidence with the management in my company and the direction they are heading.. Mergers and buyouts now have my company as a minority in the newest company buyout and things are looking ugly for the future of my now newly minted "division"..
Do I enjoy the stress that this new uncertainty has created? NO.
My Supervisor gave his two weeks notice, and last week they escorted him out the door, shy two days of his two weeks!..
I AM looking forward to getting off this bus ride with the mad bus driver BEFORE I get tossed under the wheels.
Looking forward to retirement is about the only way to keep my sanity going.. It IS a "goal" and when I reach that goal, I WILL set a NEW GOAL to look forward to.. That IS how life works..
About a week ago I ran into my old plant manager at a local store doing some shopping.. He retired from my company about two years ago.. He retired a bitter cranky man.. Now, HE IS HAPPY, pleasant and glad to see me, asked how I was doing, my family and how work was..
When he was the plant manager, he RARELY ever spoke to me and when he did, it was business only and didn't care about my personal life..
His little bit of advice to me was if any one gets the chance to retire, JUST DO IT!
I doubt anyone has ever wished the could spend MORE TIME on a job for someone else.. I would rather be working on my OWN jobs, they are much more fun and I can truly be my own "boss"..