Forum Discussion

twimama's avatar
Aug 29, 2013

Washing Machine question.


We are soon-to-be full-timers, and one of my biggest areas of nerves about this transition is laundry. We cloth diaper, so I do a lot of laundry, and well, ain't nobody got time to sit in the laundry room for the three wash cycles it takes to get diapers clean. I am debating between two units to put into our TT:

It doesn't have a spin cycle though, which would be a bummer.

and this:

Does have a spin cycle, but is much larger and would take up more space. Bonus of it being larger would be bigger loads of regular clothes though.

Anyone with more experience know if hooking this up to the bathroom sink would be an issue? I know the water heater only heats so much at a time. Also, I'd prefer that it drains to the black tank on cloth diaper loads, but I guess it's not required. If I lay the drain in the toilet, will it automatically go down when there's enough water in the bowl, or will I have to shove the hose down past the flappy thing? (technically speaking, of course).

Also curious if anyone has had any fuse issues running portable washers, or if we should be okay plugging into the bathroom outlet.

Any advice and experience is welcomed and appreciated as we are brand new to the RVing world!

Thank you!
  • I would put a cutoff on supply line for toilet, then you can use drain hose of washer in toilet without water running continuously. Not sure if washer supply will work on sink, but you may be able to screw to shower hose if lavatory won't work.. just be prepared to make a trip to hardware store with open mind to find correct connector.
  • I used cloth diapers on all 6 of our babies. They make a lot of loads. Not something I would want to drag to the campground laundry room to take care of daily.

    I would go with the Haier. They also make an all-in-one washer/dryer combo. DH helped an Army Sgt install hers in her bedroom closet of her 5th wheel last year. She found it on Craigslist for cheap...

    Amazon has quite a few brands to check reviews.
  • Welcome to the old (ie) enviro-friendly method of diapering a baby. = more work & more laundry.
  • Seems like it would be cheaper to switch to disposable diapers and potty train early. Would save you a lot of work, electric, gas and water as well as the wear and tear on the washer/dryer you want to get. I would think you would be constantly doing laundry to keep up with the diapers and regular clothing.
  • You may have a closet already plumbed and wired for a washer/dryer. If you want gas you will probably need to plumb the lines.
    I used a splendid combo washer in my unit. Will go with the stackable sears next time.
  • After we get across the country, we'll be mostly stationary. We have a Heartland North Trail 33TBUD. The washer will be on casters, so we will move it around. In the bathroom while washing, by the bed or in the shower when not in use. We'll always be at a full hookup, so I don't think holding capacity will be an issue, but it only uses a couple of gallons of water.
  • Are you going to be on the road full time?

    What type of TT do you have?

    Where are you intending on placing your appliances?

    Are your holding tanks large enough to supply or dispose of water?

    I am thinking you have checked the structure of your TT as to where you can place W/D etc.

    I ask these questions so it may be easier to answer your question
  • One of the best systems is a stackable propane powered units from Sears. They get good reviews and use surprisingly little propane. You would have to plumb PP to the dryer but it's worth it IMO.
    I think you'll find the cost is better as well.