You can still put a prefilter of 25 micron or smaller in a big ten inch canister filter housing such as sold t Home Depot or Lowes. It will get most of the stuff and you smaller small micron filter in house will last a lot longer.
We have an under counter and change it evey year, for water ftn and ice maker. It
s a pain. We also have two filters one .05 micron and and thee other 5 microns I think an a third in reserve .09 micron ceramic that is a pain to clean. I carry cheaper sediment filters if I use both and the .5 micron in the bay.
In Michigan, nice campground Turkey town or something, The pre filter loaded up with in three days when the park filled up on the weekend. Once we got to Oklahoma had to the main filter. Good water there and didn't use prefilter. The mail filter took care of chlorine by itself and other stuff.