willald wrote:
MFL wrote:
^^I agree, there is a reason the Watts regulator costs more. The RV Guard model looks like the Valterra regulator. Bad thing about a cheap model, just more expense, when you decide to toss it, and get a proven high quality one.
Myself...I quit using any, just fill my 60 gal fresh tank as needed, and have a great, consistent water pressure. Nice too, in case you ever have a water leak, you catch it right away.
I curious....How long have you used this approach, and how many water pumps you replaced?
I like this idea, but am always hesitant to, as I'm concerned that the water pumps they put in RVs, like many other RV components, aren't meant for prolonged use.
I'd be concerned that if we used the water pump all the time for everything water related like you are advocating here, we'd be replacing a lot of water pumps.
How has your water pump held up under this kind of constant use?
I do not use external water connections except to fill my fresh tank.
I have faith in my Sureflo pump. In my last 5er, I accidentally left my pump on for a day and a half, running dry. I was sure I ruined it so I ordered a new one and replaced it. I am still using that pump to pump water from my 60 gallon bladder to my tank in my current 5er. I haven't done a thing to that pump yet.
We had our last 5er for 8 years, this one is on it's 5th year, and we stay over 100 nights a year in it since we like it better than our home, but can't afford to full time yet.