I do not know the heater in question (looks to be an LP unit)
I normally use a collection of 1500 watt Electrics. I have special outlets and circuits to handle that much power 12 ga wire. One outlet per breaker. Wire bent around screws on the outlet (Standard house type 15/20 amp) not the anemic RV quick box type. Now for my 38' er I can use up to 4 of them (actually rigged for 5) before I need to kick in the furnace.
One thing about electric heaters
Many folks will try to convince you this or that or some other electric heater is somehow better than the rest... but every 1500 watt heater puts out EXACTLY the same amount of heat. EXACTLY. 100% efficient.. Why do I say this.
Loss in an electrical system is expressed as heat.. IN this system the loss is thus recovered as it's the desired product. So 100% efficient. Most rare in electrical systems.. Even the fan the fan has some loss converting electrical to mechanical (Expressed as heat) Some friction loss (Heat) and of course power is used moving the air.. (more friction loss so it too becomes heat) 100% efficient. it's all heat.