Mike, I can't comment on the specifics of what your Silverado likes, but my experience with the Frontier is that is drives best with the steer axle restored to 100%.
Nissan specs to "set the WD so the front returns to between at least 1/2 the measured rise ( using a ruler ), to getting it back to normal unladen height". So I'm reading that as at least 50% and up to 100% of the weight. I use the CAT scales to ensure I'm at 100% FALR.
Regarding your comment about the rear of the truck "hitting hard" on the sumo, I think you are right they are in effect not allowing the leaf springs to "work". When my sumo's were too tall, my Frontier was like that. In other words it was as though the only spring support I had back there was coming from the sumo. I suspect that was not literally the case, but it sure felt like it. Cutting one bubble off the top of them resulted in there being just a slight air gap between their top and the truck frame while unloaded, so they are just barely starting to compress with the trailer on. This seems to be the best compromise for my set-up.
Before cutting the sumo's, they were tall enough the back of the truck was about one inch higher in the back than it had been, so I knew right away they were too tall. Unladen ride was "firm to the point of being too harsh".
I was of course leery of chopping them up, knowing that if it didn't work, I could not return them to get the money back, but decided, nothing ventured, nothing gained eh ? I had an email conversation with them afterwards, and they advised that yes cutting them was an acceptable way to fine tune them for my application.
I may also try a set of heavier weight bars for the Blue Ox when hauling the horse trailer. It's about 1000 pounds heavier overall vs the funfinder travel trailer. I'm always thinking that set-up can be improved....LOL, not always successful though !
FYI, I also have added a Helwig anti-roll bar back there and use Bil5100's. Highly recco both those.
Best of luck in your set up.