handye9 wrote:
Blue Ox for example, has bars rated for 600, 800, 1000, 1500, and 2000 lbs.
The Blue Ox Sway Pro is offered with spring bars in
six weight ratings - 350, 550, 750, 1000, 1500, and 2000 lbs. The OP is running an average gross tongue weight similar to what I'm running, around 600 lbs or so ... some time ago I contacted Blue Ox and was assured that as long as I didn't exceed ~ 600 lbs gross tongue weight the 550 lb bars would be fine. However, in giving this more thought I decided that if I were to buy a Sway Pro I'd select the 750 lb bars instead for a bit more latitude in weight as I often run with content in the three holding tanks. 750 lb bars would also be an excellent choice for the OP, given the numbers he's provided.