Feel your frustration been there done that TWICE with these cheap RV locks.
Is it a Trimark lock set?
If so REPLACE it as it WILL lock you out again. One of the first symptoms is the red lever being a little difficult to turn.
I have been locked out TWICE with these locks as have MANY people on this forum and across the US! First time cost me $400 on the road mobile repair. Second time? I took a crow bar to my door frame.
The inner slide mechanism is made out of pot metal and it breaks. There is also a spring in there that falls out. When you moved the slide back was the spring still there?
Sadly the only replacement available is 'another' Trimark.
Do a search on past posts regarding these locks. I think I saw a post regarding Trimark offering a replacement part that is not pot metal.
I now only use the one lock and have duct tape over the striker for the other lock so I NEVER get locked out again.
BTW: you should show your children and everyone that travels with you for that matter where the "emergency exit window" is located in your RV, AND how to operate it in case of an emergency.
It's the first thing I do when I take friends RV'ing with me.