I converted ours - very easy to do with the right fittings. You might get lucky at Lowes or HD on fittings, but a better place might be a commercial/industrial place that sells just hoses and fittings so you can be assured of getting all the correct pieces in one place. I'd get a 20' hose. There's 2 types of outer jackets. One stiffens up in the cold and one stays soft and is a lot easier to coil up. Not sure what the designations are. You may need to go to an RV parts store to get the hose you want. I also went with a larger dia. 3/8" hose instead of 1/4" for better flow in a 20' hose.
The regulator on the Weber is easy to remove and replace with a female quick connect fitting. The photo shows what I did under our last TT. Our dealer did something similar on our current TT. You should use a protective cap like the yellow one so that the female quick release doesn't get road debris in it. I would test all fittings for leaks with soapy water.