krazymatt wrote:
SCVJeff wrote:
Slow down kids...... That regulator can be one for one swPped with any garden variety one from home depot or Walmart. Mine died at Quartzsite and i went to the hardware store and replaced it. iIRC there was a cheap brass adapter to go with it as well. The whole thing was under $20
So you're saying you bought a generic regulator and custom plumbed it into the Q200?
What exactly does "swPped" mean?
It means I can't spell on an iPhone.... Supposed to say swapped.
My Q100 regulator got weaker and weaker, finally dieing where the flame was there but never came up to temp. I bought the generic hardware store regulator that screws into the valve and screwed in a POL on the other end with one off the shelf adapter. Ever so slightly longer when done but zero problem.The flame is now slightly higher than the OEM on Hi, but still a nice blue, and WAY hotter when needed. I can easily make 600 degrees now. I'm glad I did this so the next time it happens there will be no issue whatsoever replacing it for probably $12-15 or less.
BTW- looking around on the forum, these regulators apparently fail all the time. My neighbor is on #3