Forum Discussion

dieharder's avatar
Jun 09, 2016

Weird question re: emergency procedures while driving

Out of my entire family, I am the only one that drives. DW and, for now, DD do not have driver's licenses, nor do they have any desire to obtain.

DW finds it strange that, every once in a while, I want to go through what they would need to do in the event that, heaven forbid, 'something' happens to me while we're rolling down the highway (take control of the wheel, shifter into neutral, etc.).

Does (or would) anyone else do this if they're in the same scenario? To me, it seems like, if I don't go through this with them, they would have no idea what to do if something unfortunate happens since they have never driven.
  • DH is primary driver of our rig.

    I consider it a necessity that I be able to drive, hook up, set up, break down, and know as much as possible about our equipment. You never know where and when something will happen, and I refuse to be one of those " helpless " females.

    IMO, it is very important, and my hubby feels the same way.
  • dieharder wrote:
    Out of my entire family, I am the only one that drives. DW and, for now, DD do not have driver's licenses, nor do they have any desire to obtain.

    DW finds it strange that, every once in a while, I want to go through what they would need to do in the event that, heaven forbid, 'something' happens to me while we're rolling down the highway (take control of the wheel, shifter into neutral, etc.).

    Does (or would) anyone else do this if they're in the same scenario? To me, it seems like, if I don't go through this with them, they would have no idea what to do if something unfortunate happens since they have never driven.

    yup. my wife drives but will not drive the MH. I've tried time and again to get her behind the wheel so she has enough experience should something happen to me but she's insistent.

    be sure that you have a cellphone and that both wife and daughter know how to use that to call for help. 9-1-1 is the best choice for that. they should always be prepared by knowing where they are: (highway name/number, direction of travel, milepost/intersection; name/address of business or property if applicable and so on.

    when calling 9-1-1 remain calm and after the operator answers simply say..."I need (police/fire/medics) at (location) for (problem)" and then let the 9-1-1 operator conduct the short interview. depending on your location you may be transferred to a second operator. if they won't help/learn to drive then they need to be prepared to call for help.

    good luck.
    (30-years working a busy 9-1-1 call center)
  • dieharder wrote:
    Out of my entire family, I am the only one that drives. DW and, for now, DD do not have driver's licenses, nor do they have any desire to obtain.

    DW finds it strange that, every once in a while, I want to go through what they would need to do in the event that, heaven forbid, 'something' happens to me while we're rolling down the highway (take control of the wheel, shifter into neutral, etc.).

    Does (or would) anyone else do this if they're in the same scenario? To me, it seems like, if I don't go through this with them, they would have no idea what to do if something unfortunate happens since they have never driven.

    I really commend you for thinking ahead for safety sake but I personally do not see how someone that has never driven could be of any help from the passenger seat in a MH.

    They would have to physically move you over and get to the 'brakes' first along with the steering wheel. Just putting it in neutral is not going to help much. I would focus more of your emergency training on them getting you moved over and them in a position to use the brakes and steering wheel.

    Heck you know what? Better yet, I would take your MH to an empty parking lot and MAKE both of them drive your MH.

    Even is it is only down one aisle, 100 feet in a straight line. And I'd tell them if they don't do it they do NOT get to go on the next RV trip. :W:W
  • I would tell them they need to get their drivers licenses and at least learn how to drive a car. What if the emergency requires them to get you home?
  • you got it right ,my wife can drive but don,t if she can get away with it,has never driven the rv, but we,ve done the emg test. never hurts to have a plan B.
  • Imo, very good idea. If I was a passenger, some idea would be a whole lot better than running off the road and coming to an abrupt halt. At least there could be a chance of escaping serious injury, not only for the passengers in your vehicle, but others out on the road, too.