It is possible to have a good fire but that takes advance planning .
The available local firewood generally has too much moisture content .
But you can still use some of that local wood by carrying material from home .
There is a current thread about smoky fire remedies to visit .
It is possible to turn a smoking fire into a hot vigorous non smoking fire by placing a single OSB square on top of the smoky fire .
You ration your OSB squares and ONLY use them on top to cure a smoky fire .
The OSB is not the fire it is the cure for a bad fire .
This requires planning ahead and collecting the OSB from local construction sites and packing them tightly into a box that you carry in your pickup .
Another choice is to purchase a box of Duraflame logs and cutting them into quarters before your trip .
This is not as good as OSB flat and is more expensive .
The duraflame quarters are another way to accelerate the fire starting technique and provides a base for the crummy wood available at the campground .
Another choice is to collect the 2x4/2x6 trim ends at the construction site and use them for most of your fire .
But that requires more payload and room than your tow vehicle may have .
The OSB on Top method requires the least amount of fire materials from home to repair the smoky fire from the local vendor .
We never pay for local firewood . We will collect firewood nearby and use our OSB scraps to make them burn Hot and Complete .