Cummins12V98 wrote:
Snip... If my MaxBrake would have not worked on my 15 RAM I would have bought the P3. I have owned several Tekonsha controllers over the years but the P2 for ME was not a set n forget controller! Snip...
Are you still using the MaxBrake in your Ram now? My brake controller in my new Ram works perfectly and I kind of wonder why you would not use yours. Does the MaxBrake outperform the stock contoller?
It is a shame that MaxBrake and BrakeSmart are no longer made. They were the best of the bunch in my opinion. By the way, the P3 functions exactly like the P2 and earlier models. It just has more bells and whistles. If you didn't like the P2 then I don't think you would have been satisfied with a P3.