I think you guys are nitpicking this just a bit. Mr. Cummings, you obviously did not like your Prodigy. If it did to me what you claim it did to you I would be right there with you.
The point is, I like mine and I have had to make one panic stop. Not bad for over 40k miles towed. I stomped on the pedal, the inertia thingy took over and stopped my trailer, and truck, in time.
Using the boost feature is quite different. When going down long grades I do not want to stomp on my brake pedal. If I boost the controller then when I tap the brakes, the trailer brakes simply brake with a little more strength. If I had the boost on all the time I would lock them up when driving through town doing 25 mph. This is not a gimmick, and it is not a way to work around a non functioning controller. It is simply a nice feature to make adjustments easy on the go. Perhaps others might chime in and tell me that I am wrong if I am. Again, use what you want to use. I like my Prodigy as do tens of thousands of others. It works for me and I think the OP would be happy using one as well.