Forum Discussion

D_E_Bishop's avatar
Jun 22, 2015

What is a Tinker?

I struggled with this post and the best forum for it. What is a Tinker and are RVers more likely to be a Tinker than someone in the general population?

I looked up Tinker and Tinker's dam before putting pen to paper and found that they are or more correctly were traveling repairmen of household utensils, with pots and pans being high on their repair capabilities. I remembered reading about Tinker's dams in a Navel training manual some years ago and the description was basically the same as what you will find today. Tinkerer is also listed and acceptable but grammatically not correct.

In Europe the tinkers of today have been called Techno-Tinkers. I think that is a good name for them.

I believe that there is a higher percentage of Techno-Tinkers in the RV population than in the general population and that the "Do It Yourself" forum should be renamed "Techno-Tinkers Corner".

What say you? Should we petition the Administrators to have the name changed?
  • A tinker is someone who can not leave well enough alone.
  • A tinker was a somebody who patched tin pots and pans.
    I remember little kits you could buy, small nuts and bolts with thin washers. You would use them to patch holes in worn out pots. Pass the bolt through the hole to hold the washers. Could also do it with rivets.
  • It used to be another name for gypsies in Ireland ,where you could here them coming on there horse and carts , banging on there pots & pans .
  • Own a should be a 'tinker'
    Own an off-road vehicle (ATV, JEEP/Bronco, motorbike etc.) should be a 'tinker'
    Own a street should be a 'tinker'
    Own a should be a 'tinker'

    Course now a days it's different kind of tinkering what with the computer controls.
    Lot less tinkering....more R&R
  • No, "tinker" is the original word, as in "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy".

    I have always said that if you're not a tinkerer (the modern way of saying "tinker"), or at least handy, that you will be frustrated beyond belief with an RV. Imagine having to make an appointment with the dealer every time a knob came loose, etc.
  • Tinkerer, one who tinkers. Same error as manufacturer.. people always leave out the last syllable.