Urea the active component of DEF has been in use for couple of hundred years. It is a organic compound in urine....but has been synthesized since 1922. Ain't enough cows to keep up with demand :B
Some of the other uses besides lowering NOx in diesel exhaust:
A stabilizer in nitrocellulose explosives
A component of animal feed, providing a relatively cheap source of nitrogen to promote growth
A non-corroding alternative to rock salt for road de-icing, and the hardening of ski-resort terrain park take-offs and landings
A flavor-enhancing additive for cigarettes
A main ingredient in hair removers such as Nair and Veet
A browning agent in factory-produced pretzels
An ingredient in some skin cream, moisturizers, hair conditioners
A reactant in some ready-to-use cold compresses for first-aid use, due to the endothermic reaction it creates when mixed with water
A cloud seeding agent, along with other salts
A flame-proofing agent, commonly used in dry chemical fire extinguisher charges such as the urea-potassium bicarbonate mixture
An ingredient in many tooth whitening products
An ingredient in dish soap
Along with ammonium phosphate, as a yeast nutrient, for fermentation of sugars into ethanol
A nutrient used by plankton in ocean nourishment experiments for geoengineering purposes
As an additive to extend the working temperature and open time of hide glue
As a solubility-enhancing and moisture-retaining additive to dye baths for textile dyeing or printing
Yep....folks have been eating it, smoking it, bathing with it, drinking it, primping with it, brushing with it, drinking it for decades.
We used to inject it into the burner flame pattern on commercial boilers to lower stack NOx emissions.
It was a new system.........proto type and I had to learn all about the stuff. Learned more than I cared to know.