As someone who always hated diesels due to the stink and noise - I LOVE our 2011 F-350. Runs quietly, doesn't stink at all - and gets 12-13 mpg towing the 5er and 22 mpg or so when cruising without the trailer. Has GOBS of power. On ours, the DEF tank opening is next to the fuel opening - our fuel door is just wider. We found it's easiest to simply pump it at a commercial fuel island when we need it - the price has been around $2.69/gal. We wait until we get the dashboard notice that it needs to be refilled ("in 800 miles") - then we top it off. We tried simply adding a gallon that we bought, but for some reason, that didn't register with the trucks "brain" - and the owner's manual implied it needs to be "filled up".
Minimal hassle for a much "nicer" truck, IMO!