Forum Discussion

  • When I was a kid we always called them Cow Ants. They are actually a type of non-flying wasp. Never got stung by one although stung by just about everything else. :)
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    I steer away from any insect that is RED...

    Roy Ken
  • Wow - Never heard or seen 'em. Now I know to stay away from them. Interesting.

    Note the time of the OP and the correct answer. Pretty good feedback!
  • I grew up on a farm; we called them cow killers because if they stung you, it felt like it could kill a cow.
  • Thanks for all the quick reply's. My grandson was right by this bad a## bug, he is only 18 months. I am glad he did not pick it up!! He is stepping on bugs all the time. He better have shoes on if he wants to step on one of these!
  • Community Alumni's avatar
    Community Alumni
    If you swat it it is a DEAD BUG :)

  • I've seen velvet ants around here and they usually have an orange butt. I've read they pack a very painful sting. Craig