falconbrother wrote:
My wife of 37 years and RV partner passed away. She and I loved to load up the dogs and go camping. We started in a van camper in 1987.
In 2017 we went together to CW and bought a new travel trailer together. That was the first new rig we ever bought. The plan was to finish her puppy's championship in the AKC and then enjoy the camping. Now none of that will ever happen.
Now I look at that RV and I don't feel any interest in RVing at all. It was fun because it was us.
I would give you some advice that a dear friend gave me when my wife of 18 years died. He said, Greg do something for yourself and do something to change your environment. I got rid of the hospital bed so I did not have to dwell on her being back there suffering and I could do nothing about it. Then I took a trip back to the Yakima, WA area ***** I grew up. When I got back to Nashville, TN a friend told me, Greg you look 10 years younger than you did the last time I saw you. Good luck and God Bless!