My single life isn't new anymore. My ability to enjoy it fully and not feel the need to seek out a willing companion for every experience came later - when I realized how many things I didn't do because "there was no one to go with me".
I think your experience is very similar to mine. I found that being more open towards people and not "hiding away" gave me a richer experience. I learned things I didn't know, I saw things I wouldn't have otherwise. And I enjoyed it more.
I also found that when I go places and do things with a companion, I tend to have a much narrower field of experience. The activity is based more on the interaction with that companion than it is in the actual enjoyment of the activity. When I'm solo, I to focus more on what's going on around me - and a lot of that is because I don't close myself off to "outsiders" like I do when I'm with someone.