CavemanCharlie wrote:
I must admit there is a reason I'm not a EMT or Fire Department member. In a emergency I panic and run around like a chicken with my head chopped off. I wish I didn't but, I can't change that part of me.
The good news is I've learned that is part of who I am so I run away and let someone else deal with the problem. I've learned that is the best thing I can do for me, and everyone else. Get away and let the professionals deal with it.
I get nervous and start shaking in the smallest of situations.
bikendan wrote:
i've seen plenty of people get brain freeze or are unable to think, during emergency situations.
some people can process what's going on clearly and react appropriately.
others get tunnel vision and lose sight of the bigger picture.
and others become frozen with fear/panic and often become victims.
Evolution favors variation.
In some situations (attack by some animals, for example) the person who freezes is the one who survives.
In other situations (volcano) the one who runs without thinking survives.
In yet other situations, the one who hides survives (tornado). Or the one who gets angry and yells (other animals).