A relatively common occurrence in the Carolinas. Often comes across the country from Texas, thru Atlanta. I've spent a few winter nights over the years in a SP or County park w/o electric due to ice storms. Short in duration, travel might be hazardous for just a couple or three days, tops. Power may be out for a couple of days. I've made it through just fine with 2 30# tanks of propane running the WH, furnace, cook stove and LP genny. Worst case experienced w/o electric was during the October Surprise in Buffalo, NY 5 or 6 years ago. Lake affect snow dumped a ton on top of the area. Damaged about 80% of the trees in Erie County. Leaves were still on the trees and when the limbs came down, so did the power lines. Went through 30#s of propane in 4 days. But, didn't miss a beat. Was warm, ate three meals a day, had a navy shower (4 season camper), satellite tv, Verizon air-card for internet, and made coffee for the linesmen working on the electrical grid in the area.:B Sounds like you're covered pretty well.