Interesting topic, and like many others have said, pedestrians have had the right of way in our area for many, many least going back into the 60's. And in some towns, don't even THINK about driving across the cross walk after they step in the cross walk....even after the people have crossed your side of the road and are stepping foot on the curb on the other side. This is especially true for towns near Cape Cod and the Northampton/Amherst areas. They are ready to fine you, heavily, without batting an eye.
But two things get me. First, the people in the city that don't even LOOK because they have the right of way. Idiots! Of course they know there'll be a line of lawyers ready to represent them in court.
Second, there ARE jay walking laws on the books. In the city, many intersections have pedestrian cross signals available or they are automatically timed into the light cycle. Walking against the signals, or not using them, is jay walking. Yet, I've NEVER seen it being enforced...even at the intersection 1/2 block down from the police station. Geeze, THAT really gets my goat.