Vacationing in Newport Beach, Orange County, CA now. I'm 2 houses away from the street that runs parallel to the beach and a crosswalk (no light) that sees thousands of people a day heading to the sand. It's remarkable to watch.
The right of way for pedestrians is strong here. Cars will come to a halt the moment anyone even looks like they're going to cross the street. It's taken very seriously by the drivers. What makes the pedestrian aspect interesting is the mix of tourists and locals and how they act when approaching the crosswalk. The locals will walk out with the utmost confidence that approaching vehicles will stop. They're the ones that don't bother with much of a glance in either direction. I've had several gut reactions to reach out and grab one by the arm the first the day I was here and yell "There's a car coming!" lol. The tourists (me) still hesitate at the curb, establish eye contact, and proceed cautiously, perhaps feeling a bit guilty at holding up the usually heavy traffic.
I've also been noticing a few of these crosswalks have many little lights embedded into the road as well. When the crosswalk button is pressed at night, the entire crosswalk lights up immediately and traffic will come to a stop for the peds.