"Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part." I have heard that line many times and try to live by it. Hope for the best but be prepared for the worst.
Just the other day while camping on the river, a guy came in and loaded his boat on the trailer. Pulled up and his boat trailer had a flat tire on it. He had a spare but no jack or lug wrench. I pulled out my small floor jack and Dewalt cordless impact and put his spare on for him. It was half flat also so I pulled out my air tank and put air in his tire. He did say thanks and offered to pay to which I said just pay it forward. He remarked how prepared I was to which I said that I don't like to be on the side of the road depending on someone else for help.
To answer the question about the bathroom, it would depend on the situation and the person. If I had a bad feeling about then no, if not maybe yes.
Like the poster above, my asset protection device is always in my pocket.
Unfortunately, we now live in a society where you can't trust anyone and have to have your guard up at all times.