Johno02 wrote:
Definately Braun. Over they years, I have tried and used about every brand out there. the Braun series are the only ones that have done a good job and have lasted. The series 7 and the series 9 have a recharging station that cleans the heads after every shave. That keeps the blades clean, sharp, and lubricated. With others I have had to replace heads frequently, with the Brauns, never. They are a bit more expensive, but last a lot longer, and have always given be a shave almost as close as a blade. And a lot less fuss. Here is a link, you can get them either at Best Buy or Walmart, but I would recommend Best Buy for several reasons.
Braun shavers
I have two Braun System 360 shavers and one cleaning/recharging station. Both are over 10 years old and all I have ever done to them is replace the cutter/screen every couple of years. Why do I have two? In case one dies I have a spare. I haven't shaved with a blade in so long I would probably not remember how.
For a closer electric shave, shave before you shower. Dry skin gives you a closer shave. I had to switch my procedure after giving up the blade, but sure glad I did.