Barney beat me to it...
The old rule of thumb...WD setup to get an even drop is no longer valid
The modern OEM changes to TV suspensions invalidated that
Why now advise those asking or wondering to setup according to their TV's manual instructions
Some still even drop, other move x percentage weight to the front axle, others get the front drop or raise to within +/- inches/fractions of per setup and a big etc
So if the OP's TV meets their TV manual instructions & reciever spec without a WD Hitch, then the OP can decide whether or not a WD Hitch is needed
Be careful of one size fits all absolutism advice...there isn't any...even in one size fits all tube socks...
Learn the HOW2's yourself...advisors on these freebie sites have no skin, nor anything to lose in YOUR game and the only one responsible is the driver...even if the driver didn't choose components or setup