If in the Branson area drop south by a dozen or so mile to The Top of The Rock, no camping, but an interesting place to see. Next would be Big Cedar Lodge, lodging but no camping, then comes Dogwood Canyon. Another worthwhile sight to see, but no camping. ( All three of these owned by Johnny Morris of Bass Pro. From there another interesting place is the Golden Pioneer Museum in Golden, MO. Looks like a barn/metal shed, but contains a vast collection that we found interesting. From lunchboxes to Indian artifacts, dinner ware to dolls. Well worth the free admission (donations accepted).
Down the road apiece from there is the Office Pub & Steakhouse, Eagle Rock, MO. Some of the best fried chicken ever. Not far from there is Roaring River State Park and finally a campsite! A beautiful park, especially loop 1 or 2 (our favorites). It's a trout fishing park.
Just a jump from there to Eureka Springs, AR, which is a small town worth visiting.
A little long, but hope it helps.