Johno02 wrote:
theft mostly, cost is next, and those that just roll it all off and jam the toilets, or trash the restroom. Having Mom to clean it all up was a good idea, but what she really needed was a belt to beat some butts with. Its amazing how many modern people can use the Internet, but don't know how to flush a toilet. Just work as a camp host for a week, and you opinions will take a big change. Lots of men are really nasty, but my DW who cleans the ladies room, says that Women are the nastiest. I can't say, but I know about the men's.
As a teenager I worked in a bowling alley. One of the duties included cleaning bathrooms, 2 Womens and 2 Mens. I did this part time (4-5 days) for a year. Your wife speaks the truth. The mens bathrooms were a challenge. The womens were a nightmare.
My appetite has suddenly left me.