SabreCanuck wrote:
Thank you all for the replies...
WesternRVParkOwner has brought up some very valid points in regards to the "foreign worker" situation which I kinda already knew. Which is why a lot of the workamper and other sites don't really fit for what I'm talking about.
But let's say me/you are friends and I am staying at your house. You are in the procedure of building a garage and I offer to assist. I don't want to be paid a nickle. Not one dime. But, I do kinda expect room and meals and probably a beer or two while helping you build your garage, etc. Is that still illegal? I completely understand I can't come to the U.S. to work but what defines "work"? Do I have to get paid to be considered 'work'?
What I'm looking at is something outside of the normal pay structure... Not volunteering for church's, not workamping for $$ but parking my bigazz RV in your driveway and doing some chores around the yard in return.
Being from Canada, we don't automatically revert to the 'what happens if / insurance ramifications / lawsuit" scenarios that most seem to jump to so quickly.. Or, maybe it's just THIS Canadian.
I guess what I need is a website to make friends on so I can just go visit them. :) Facebook here I come.......
It wont matter if you do it as friends or not. It has nothing to do with getting paid, it has to do with liability. People probably do it all the time but it would be a lot like hiring someone from Craigslist or similar to what westernrv said. If I hire someone off CL to do something on my property and they get hurt they are not covered by workmen compensation and I get sued. If I tell you that you can come over and camp on my property and not even work and you get hurt you could sue me. I dont know how canada works and there may in fact not be many lawsuits but I do know that there are no free lunches so you are paying through higher taxes one way or the other. I know, you have FREE health care too.
That's why I suggested escapees. I dont know if a Canadian can work there, that's for you to research. It's a volunteer program so I'm sure their insurance covers them when you are complying with their rules.
HiringThis is how bad it can beAngie