gitchermotorrunnin' wrote:
When I joined this forum there were lots of folks willing to take the info and provide some guidance and links to help their fellow RVers out. But it seems it is becoming a trash pit of Craigslist style rant and ravers.
Wow, you jump on this thread ranting about it being uncivil. I was going to ignore your post until you came back and the lashed out a couple of more times, hurling pejoratives at those that disagree with you, in order to get the mode to close the thread. :M
First off, the moderators do a good job here. Their job is to make sure that the rules are followed, not to interpret the opinions of others, or to be someone's personal sensor.
I have been here a lot longer than you have, posted more than you have, had more posts deleted than you have, and the only time I become outraged is when someone wants to stifle opinion by trying to get the moderators to invoke censorship so that they can feel better.
This is a public forum, no different than any street corner. You come, climb your soapbox and say your piece. Then you get down and be prepared to receive your kudos or your brickbats. If you are thin skin, don't read the thread. You are entitled to reply with your opinion or disregard what you find as "trash pit" posts. However, you are not entitled to control the opinions or posts of others by invoking a surrogate.
Life's tough. Wear a cup