One thing to be aware of when using a temporary forwarding order, is the possibility that you may miss some important mail. A few years ago before we switched to a fulltime mail service, we used to forward our mail to our daughter when we were gone more than a few weeks. During that time, our bank sent out my renewal debit card in a "Do not forward" envelope, and when it was returned, they cancelled my card even though my existing card had about a month to go before it expired. When I called the bank on it, all I got was a "Those are the rules..." story, with no way to get a new card until we returned. Fortunately, my wife's card still worked, so we weren't completely shut out of our account. We also had some insurance papers returned for the same reason one year, but at least in that case, the agent called us to see what was going on, and simply resent them in an unrestricted envelope. Just something to keep in mind...